Word of Mouth Marketing for Law Firms
Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is one of the oldest forms of marketing and continues to prove to be the most effective strategy in all industries.
  • law firm
  • marketing
  • legal
Published on Dec 10, 2018


Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is one of the oldest forms of marketing and continues to prove to be the most effective strategy in all industries. Think back to a time you were thinking about making a large purchase or were looking for a real estate agent or even a place to buy a car. Did you look to friends or family members for recommendations? If your answer was yes, did you end up going with the recommendation?


The interaction between you and the person who provided the suggestion is word of mouth marketing in its most natural form. More formally, word of mouth marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as:


Sharing information about a product, promotion, etc., between a consumer and a friend, colleague, or other acquaintance.


From your own personal experiences, it's probably easy to imagine how effective word of mouth marketing is. Most American consumers seek guidance from someone they trust when it comes to making a purchase or big life decision, like filing for bankruptcy. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising.


Word of Mouth Marketing in the Digital Age

WOMM is considered the most valuable form of marketing for businesses and law firms and it continues to become increasingly more important with technology. The internet has made this once "slow-moving" form of marketing go viral. Online reviews and social media conversations make spreading the word about your law firm to a large audience possible. To learn how you can boost your firm's online reviews, read our past blog post about client testimonials.


Promoting the Conversation

Getting clients to spread the word about your law firm is not as difficult as it seems. One of the best ways to generate positive conversations about your law firm is by providing top-notch service. Treat every one of your clients as your most important customer and you'll experience the benefits of WOMM. It's also beneficial to utilize surveys for client feedback to pinpoint your firm's service weak points. This extra step will allow you to constantly keep improving. Check out our Medium post for more tips on providing excellent customer service.


So get out there and start focusing on your firm's word of mouth marketing strategy!