A Law Firm's Guide to Client Testimonials
Client Testimonials have become increasingly more important because of how much consumers use the internet. From a single google search, a potential client can do research about any law firm in their area based on previous customer reviews. According to Bright Local in 2017, 93% of local customers use reviews to determine if a local business is good or bad. The reviews will make your firm more credible and attract future clients. With this in mind, it's time to ramp up your law firm's strategy to include positive client testimonials. As an attorney you might not have as much experience in approaching a client for a review and have no idea how to do it correctly. Here is your guide to client testimonials for your law firm.
  • client reviews
  • legal tech
Published on Oct 18, 2018


Client Testimonials have become increasingly more important because of how much consumers use the internet. From a single google search, a potential client can do research about any law firm in their area based on previous customer reviews. According to Bright Local in 2017, 93% of local customers use reviews to determine if a local business is good or bad. The reviews will make your firm more credible and attract future clients. With this in mind, it's time to ramp up your law firm's strategy to include positive client testimonials. As an attorney you might not have as much experience in approaching a client for a review and have no idea how to do it correctly. Here is your guide to client testimonials for your law firm.


Which Platforms to Use

Making sure you have reviews on multiple different sites is ideal for your law firm.

  • Google
  • Law Firm Website
  • Avvo


Which Clients to Ask

The best clients to ask for a testimonial are ones who share their satisfaction with you directly. Clients who are expressive in person are more likely to leave a review for you online. However, if you have happy clients that aren't as expressive, go ahead and ask anyways. Make sure to ask when your client's case is nearing the end or immediately after while their experience with your firm is fresh in their mind to ensure the most accurate review.


How to Ask

Asking a client in-person is the best option, but if that isn't possible, send a quick personalized email. Address the client by name and mentioned something unique to them. This way your client will know that the email wasn't some kind of bot or mass email. We recommend including a list of direct questions for your client to answer for the most thorough review. If you're asking for a Google or Avvo review, include the correct link and questions in the email and request that they respond there. Another fool proof way to provide the questions to your clients is via Typeform, a secure online data collection tool. Create the survey on Typeform using a template or starting from scratch and send the link to your clients. Make sure to ask for permission to use their responses online or on your website.


Quick Typeform Tips

  • Personal note at the beginning to thank them for taking the time to answer the questions along with an image of your law firm's logo.
  • Include a check box that the client is required to check that will give you permission to use the review on your website or in marketing materials.
  • At the end of the survey, include your office phone number or email and let the client know to reach out if they have anymore feedback.


Look at this example Typeform for reference! https://nextchapterbk.typeform.com/to/rERvlm





Now that you've asked clients, it's time to sit back and relax and wait for the reviews to come pouring in. Once you start receiving reviews, put them on your law firm's site where they can't be missed by future clients.