Why Every Lawyer Should Have a Blog
Creating a law blog will help your law firm stand out online and establish credibility and expertise on trending topics.
  • Blogs
  • blogs for attorneys
Published on Jun 22, 2021


Blogs have been around for a while now, and you may think that the format is outdated or not applicable to the legal world. But, creating a law blog for your practice can give you lots of benefits, from a stronger online presence to establishing credibility. Here are a few key reasons why every lawyer should have a blog.



Showcase your expertise

A blog can be a great online resource to show that you know your stuff. You can talk about yourself and your credentials when introducing the blog or website, and then write articles about topics related to the areas you practice in. Taking these steps shows your audience that you are an expert and also establishes your authority on these topics.




Blogs are also effective for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Integrate keywords and key phrases into your headlines and content so that potential clients or interested parties will be able to search Google and find your information in the results. You can also include keywords about your location so that you are getting hits from people in your area.



Free marketing

If you already have a website, adding a blog section is a fast and easy way to boost your marketing strategy. Create a post about a trending or relevant topic, and add a paragraph at the end that showcases your firm’s services and expertise. When a viewer is done reading the article, they can learn more about getting legal help by contacting you. Make your law firm stand out more than ever by adding this content marketing outlet to your practice.



Share news and trends

A law blog also helps you share the latest legal news and any trends you want to talk to your audience about. This also helps establish your credibility because clients may look to your law firm first when something new happens or they have a question. You’re already doing the research to help your clients, so why not write about it and foster conversations online?



Link to your social media

We all know just how important social media is to today’s audiences. When you create a blog, these two outlets can work hand in hand to help you connect with people and get more leads. Whenever you put up a post, for example, you can share it on all your social outlets to generate interest and drive traffic back to your website.



Modern attorneys need to take advantage of all the online tools available to them for better law firm marketing. Writing a blog is a no-brainer – you’ll boost your online presence, show your audiences that you are credible and authoritative, and help your law firm stand out from competitors.