Ted Talks for Lawyers
A great way for lawyers to find inspiration in their practice is to hear from experts about topics related to the legal field and both career and personal goals. Watching TED Talks can be motivating, giving you another point of view on themes and subjects you’re already thinking about or those you haven’t yet considered. NextChapter put together this list of TED Talks that are relevant to lawyers, grouped by category.
  • Ted
  • Talks
  • Development
Published on Nov 25, 2019


A great way for lawyers to find inspiration in their practice is to hear from experts about topics related to the legal field and both career and personal goals. Watching TED Talks can be motivating, giving you another point of view on themes and subjects you’re already thinking about or those you haven’t yet considered. NextChapter put together this list of TED Talks that are relevant to lawyers, grouped by category.


Career Development TED Talks

When you need inspiration about expanding your horizons, or you just need a motivation booster, check out these TED Talks that are related to professional development.


5 ways to kill your dreams” by Bel Pesce

It’s easy to put off pursuing our dreams, even if it’s taking on a new legal offering or expanding your practice. Bel Pesce, an entrepreneur and TED Fellow, discusses five myths that we tell ourselves that get in the way of taking that first step toward fulfilling our most desired life goals.


TED’s secret to great public speaking” by Chris Anderson

TED curator Chris Anderson gives this talk about the secret behind great public speaking, a requirement for attorneys. Everyone’s different, but you can make this strategy work for you with his four pieces of advice to adapt the secret to your situation.


10 ways to have a better conversation” by Celeste Headlee

Lawyers need to have great communication skills, as a large portion of the job is talking to people. In this TED Talk, Celeste Headlee breaks down how to have better conversations, using her 10 essential rules as a guide. Headlee is a radio host and interviewer.


Keeping Up with Legal Trends

In our modern world, you can’t afford to be behind on the latest legal trends. These TED Talks will help you get a look at what’s going on and what could be happening next.


The world’s first AI legal assistant” by Andrew Arruda

Lawyer and co-founder of ROSS Intelligence, Andrew Arruda uses this talk to discuss AI and the law. He talks about how he and a computer scientist created ROSS, the world’s first AI legal assistant. He believes that law practice can become cheaper and the AI will contribute to a true “justice for all” legal system.


What prosecutors and incarcerated people can learn from each other” by Jarrell Daniels

Formerly incarcerated Jarrell Daniels talks about how much he learned just from talking to prosecutors while he was in prison. This kind of collaborative education, Daniels believes, can improve the entire justice system, as truths and ideas are revealed and discussed, leading to social reform.


How I defend the rule of law” by Kimberly Motley

Kimberly Motley is a lawyer who believes that every person should be protected by their country’s legal system. Her talk is about cases she experienced in her Afghanistan legal practice, and she discusses the impacts that a country’s laws can have on its citizens and their protection.


Personal Development TED Talks

Lawyers also need inspiration to develop personally. These three TED Talks focus on general areas of personal improvement that will relate back to your practice.


How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed” by Daniel Levitin

Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin discusses how stress can hinder our ability to make decisions in critical moments. By thinking ahead and recognizing our stress, we can try to predict the mistakes we’ll make and eventually avoid them.


How to build your confidence—and spark it in others” by Brittany Packnett

For lawyers, confidence is a necessary part of the communication-heavy job. Brittany Packnett, an activist, educator, and writer, discusses in this TED Talk ways to build your confidence so that you can become the person you want to be.


Why we ignore obvious problems—and how to act on them” by Michele Wucker

Michelle Wucker, policy strategist, wants people to recognize that we actually choose to ignore major problems, such as climate change, instead of viewing them as unavoidable catastrophes. She uses a “gray rhino” to replace the “black swan” metaphor, helping us notice rhinos that exist in our lives at this very moment.


Listening to powerful, knowledgeable speakers discuss topics related to personal and professional growth and the latest legal trends will help you find inspiration and motivation in your work. NextChapter believes these nine videos are a great place to start!