Case Management Tools Every Lawyer Needs
From CRM tools to automation, your law firm requires the latest tech to stay competitive. Here are the top tools your practice needs.
  • legal tech
  • case management
Published on Feb 05, 2021




Whether your law firm focuses on divorce, immigration, bankruptcy, estate, or family law cases, you need the latest case management solutions to provide better services and stay competitive. If you have outdated CRM or communication practices, for example, it may be time to upgrade with a comprehensive solution.


Here are a few tools that every lawyer needs to effectively manage their firm.



CRM for lawyers

First let’s walk through the CRM tools for attorneys that are most helpful. Lawyers must have the right tools to track all leads and clients. Otherwise, prospects will continue to slip through the cracks, contact information will be lost, and too much time will be spent on trying to complete these tasks.


CRM platforms like NextChapter do a lot of the work for you by integrating with other tools to collect and store client information and automatically import it into your cases.



Client texting

Modern attorneys need to provide the best communication tools to stay connected to today’s clients. Client texting for lawyers is becoming the norm so that the people you serve can reach you faster.


NextChapter’s client texting feature helps you stay in touch using a local phone number (so you don’t have to give out your personal cell phone number) and you can use texting to set up automated reminders and notifications.



Document storage

When was the last time you updated your document storage solution? If you haven’t already, move to the cloud so that your files can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, on any browser.


But more than accessibility, integrate the latest document storage for lawyers that will allow you to make edits in real time and review client forms before uploading them to the case. NextChapter helps you streamline the document and form completion process using intuitive templates and autofill features.




Many of the tools already described incorporate automation techniques to speed things up. Your law firm needs to embrace automation in tasks like client intake, scheduling, task completion, accuracy checks, document preparation, communication, and more. Applications like NextChapter pull in automated features every step of the way so you avoid lots of manual data entry and have more time to focus on growing your practice.



Time tracking

Tracking hours spent on each case can be time-consuming in itself. But with an integrated time tracking feature, you can record hours automatically and bill clients accordingly. Save time and energy on reporting with NextChapter’s simple time tracking tool.



Payment Integration

To more efficiently manage your cases, you also need an easier way to track time, generate invoices, and accept payments from clients. NextChapter Payments allows you to invoice instantly and track the status of client payments. And clients can pay fees through the secure client portal, making the process easier for everyone.



Modern attorneys like you need the assistance of a modern software like NextChapter. Learn more about how the application will streamline your practice by signing up today.