Making the Legal Process More Pleasant for Your Clients
Show your clients support by integrating new technologies and making yourself available via texting and alternative meeting options.
  • legal tech
  • law firm management
Published on Jan 20, 2021


Your legal practice depends on satisfied clients. Now is the perfect time to rethink your practices to make the process more pleasant for clients, since dealing with legal matters can often be stressful, overwhelming, and emotional. These strategies will help you provide more support for clients while updating your firm’s practices.


Show your support during the pandemic

Clients may be more stressed than ever during the uncertain times we’re living in. Think of new ways to show your clients support during the pandemic, like leaving lines of communication open at all times. Show them you’re always available and there for them whenever they have a question or concern.


Use a client portal

Client intake can be a tedious process with lots of paperwork and data entry. Instead of requiring a lot of back and forth, allow your clients to upload their information at their leisure with a client portal. They can go at their own pace and utilize automated tools that make the process smoother for everyone.


Offer alternative payment methods

Modern legal clients want their attorneys to offer modern payment options. Instead of requiring cash or check, add credit cards and online payment transfer options like Venmo, PayPal, or Apple Pay. Doing so shows your clients you want to make payment easier for them by using the tools they’re already familiar with.


Be flexible with meetings

In-person meetings are a thing of the past, at least in 2021. Instead of requiring that your clients travel to you, offer more flexible meeting options, like video conferences, phone calls, or meetings in a public place near their neighborhood. Show them you can travel to them or accommodate their wishes to make them more comfortable.


Use client texting

Another way to make yourself more available to clients is to adopt a client texting strategy. Most people use their phones regularly throughout the day, so allowing clients to text you will make it easier for them to contact you. You can also send automated reminders about upcoming hearings, documents needed, and more, insuring that your client is on top of any tasks.


Support your clients with NextChapter features

NextChapter gives you the latest tools to be there for your clients and make the legal process much more manageable. Use the Client Portal to streamline intake and information review. Manage scheduling with automation tools that will send out reminders for deadlines and meetings. And offer Client Texting, which assigns your firm a local number so you never have to give out your own.



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