Embracing Change as a Lawyer
Adjusting to change is tough in any industry, but especially law. How can you adapt and stay on top of new technology and legislation? Find out in this blog post!
  • legal tech
  • law firm management
Published on Aug 31, 2020


It can be a challenge for any industry to integrate change, whether incorporating new technologies or a shifting market landscape. Lawyers especially are sometimes criticized for being bureaucratic and stuck in the past, afraid to take too many risks. But change is coming, whether or not you're ready. Artificial intelligence, cloud-based application usage, and remote work environments are just a few of the newest trends for attorneys that you need to be aware of.


So how can you embrace change at your law firm and keep things moving forward?



Be adaptable

The law changes all the time, whether because of a new administration or court case that changes how issues will be dealt with in the future. Lawyers should be just as adaptable in their practices as they are to new laws and regulations. Even if a new way of operating will take time to finesse, remember that there’s a reason for the change. Something could've been working before, or new technology could mean a process is now a lot simpler.




It’s also important to connect with other attorneys and practices to stay up to date on new technologies, tools, and innovations in the world of law. Staying active in the industry allows you to keep tabs on what other firms are doing, monitoring what works for them and what doesn’t. You’ll be in the know about changes as they’re happening.



Take time to train

A big reason that many law firms don’t want to incorporate change is the learning curve required for new workflows or tools. But these new tools will usually streamline processes and make the overall firm more efficient. So, taking the necessary time to understand the technology and its benefits is crucial. Make sure all teams and employees have sufficient training. Create a plan to integrate a new platform so that it can realistically be introduced and utilized to its full advantage.



Review processes regularly

It may be tempting to keep operations running exactly as they are to avoid unnecessary work. But when you never take a look at what’s actually happening, problems can arise fast, and there may be areas of the firm that could be a lot more efficient.


Perform regular reviews of processes, platforms, and workflows, even if that means bringing in an outside consultant. Ask for employee feedback about what’s working and what isn’t. These reviews will open the door for new technology integrations or further training for specific workers who need support.



There’s no way to avoid change forever. Be ahead of the game by staying proactive about new innovations that will improve your entire practice.


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