Summer '16 Release Notes
Over the past few months the NextChapter team has been working hard to add new features and improvements based on user requests to better enhance your filing experience. We are delighted to announce the NextChapter Summer ‘16 Release!
  • releases
  • features
Published on Aug 13, 2020


Over the past few months the NextChapter team has been working hard to add new features and improvements based on user requests to better enhance your filing experience. We are delighted to announce the NextChapter Summer ‘16 Release!


We have enhancements to the program, hidden features, new and upcoming features. Here are a few of our favorites explained: 



Income and Expenses Calculator

With this new feature you can see real time income and expense changes and how they will impact Schedules I and J. After you enter in the income information and then move to the expenses section, you will see the balance change in the bottom right hand corner of the expenses tab within your client’s profile. You can make adjustments and have real-time updates without having to open the PDF.



Draft Download Button


Review a draft of the full PDF packet before you file! To do this, do to Review, Print & File and select “Download Draft” from the Print & File tab and then you can share the downloaded draft with a client for review before filing. This draft is shareable as an attachment in an email and can be printed out for hardcopy review.



Six-Month Calculator for Pay Advices


If the debtor receives the same amount each pay, you can enter one pay advice to be calculated for the means test. This feature will calculate the monthly average based on one pay advice. After you enter a single pay advice, you can select the button "Use to calculate 6 month average" which will multiply that pay advice based on the pay frequency selected for the monthly average. 



Rearrange Filing Packet


To get a fully customized bankruptcy packet you can now rearrange the order the of the schedules in Review, Print & File while you are in the Forms tab. You simply click and drag the schedule or other document to the position your court requires it to be in for filling.



Common Creditors and Notice Addresses


Save time when entering in creditors with the Common Creditor / Notice Addresses Search. When you add a new claim, instead of manually filling out all the address information, select “Search For Common Creditor” and a text box will appear. When you start typing out the name of the creditor, your list of Common Creditors will appear. Select the one you need and it will automatically enter the address fields in the new claim. To save a creditor to your common creditor list while you’re working a case, add a new creditor in the schedule of the case and click the button “Save as Common Creditor” which will add that creditor to your list.



Import Common Creditors CSV


Easily upload a CSV of your common creditors from another bankruptcy program into NextChapter. To do this, go into your settings page under the Common Creditors section and click "Import CSV". The CSV should have each creditor listed with the address information separated in columns with the following column titles: Common Creditor, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip.



Credit Report Integration


Perhaps the easiest way to save time while preparing a bankruptcy is to use the Credit Report Integration feature. After the one-time onsite inspection, you will be able to pull reports for your clients by using only their social security numbers. Once the report has been pulled, NextChapter imports the creditors from the credit report directly into Schedule F. You can transfer any claims to Schedule D by clicking “Move to D” next to the claim in the Unsecured Nonpriority Claims section. 



We couldn't be more excited to share these new features with you. Schedule a demo with our Customer Success Team to learn all about these new features or feel free to take a look through our FAQs. 


As always, please keep sending us suggestions and ideas so we can make NextChapter exactly what you want.