Benefits of Filing Before the End of the Month
At NextChapter, we like to remind our users when the end of the month is approaching just as a curtesy to help save them time an effort in the long run. Here are the key benefits of filing cases before the end of the month
  • case
  • filing
  • bankruptcy
Published on Aug 22, 2018



Why does it matter?

At NextChapter, we like to remind our users when the end of the month is approaching just as a curtesy to help save them time an effort in the long run. Here are the key benefits of filing cases before the end of the month:


Paralegals and legal assistants know that one of the biggest struggles with getting a bankruptcy prepared and the case filed is document collection. Pay advices, tax refunds, mortgage statements, etc. If the case goes into the next month, you may need to collect new pay advices from your client, delaying the filing of the case. Even if the case isn’t completely ready, many attorneys will file the petition and creditor matrix so that filing date reflects the current month and then they can file the additional forms and schedules later.


Another great benefit of filing cases before the end of the month is to ensure you reach your firm’s filing goals each month. With how busy attorneys and paralegals schedules can be, it’s so easy to lose site of the big picture. Setting monthly goals is an easy way to make sure your firm is staying on track and constantly growing. NextChapter has a Monthly Goal feature where the firm’s monthly goals can be entered for number of new clients and filings. A monthly progress chart is displayed on the firm’s dashboard so that all team members can see the firm’s progress towards meeting their goals each month.   


“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

-Tony Robbins