Client Value Proposition for Lawyers
In this growing world of lawyers and law firms, many attorneys are searching for that one thing that makes their practice special. They want to stand out and they want clients to choose them over their competitors. In order to gain more clients and beat out the competition, you'll need to focus on what lies at the base of your marketing efforts: a strong client value proposition.
  • clients
  • law firms
Published on Sep 25, 2019


In this growing world of lawyers and law firms, many attorneys are searching for that one thing that makes their practice special. They want to stand out and they want clients to choose them over their competitors. In order to gain more clients and beat out the competition, you'll need to focus on what lies at the base of your marketing efforts: a strong client value proposition.


Of course, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes your law firm different. According to a survey conducted by Altman Weil, Inc., almost half (47%) of the firms surveyed stated they did not believe they had something special differentiating them from other firms. You might need to find what makes you different, or make some changes to increase the overall appeal you have to potential clients. Either way, here are some tips on how to make your firm soar above and beyond all others and reel in those clients.


Faster Turn-Around Time

Having the right goals in mind is already a huge step in the right direction. According to Altman Weil, 96% of firm leaders say focusing on improving practice efficiency is important. Getting the work done precise and accurately is a lawyer's specialty, so now decrease the time spent doing it. NextChapter's linear, easy-to-follow structure streamlines the case filing process and ultimately ensures work gets done as quickly as possible while still being top notch.


A Tech-Savvy Firm

The survey indicates that the first step in bettering your firm is listening to your clients. Clients want the best and the fastest. Surprisingly, this is sometimes hard to find in the service business and legal worlds. Transforming your firm into a tech-savvy, modern practice can draw clients to your door in a way that a traditional firm might not be able to. NextChapter is one example of a legal software that automates every aspect of bankruptcy from client intake to filing with the court. NextChapter's cloud-based, collaborative platform allows for fast, accurate and intuitive bankruptcy case preparation and management. You can perform more efficiently and your clients will experience faster turnaround time.


Better Client Communication

Keeping with the mindset that clients can tell you what to do to better, consider enhancing your client communication processes. Not only will clients appreciate it, they might also recommend your firm to other potential clients. Altman Weil's survey reinforces this theory, stating that 61% of firm leaders believe they're ahead of other practices because of their strong relationships with clients. NextChapter provides in-app client texting features as well as automated text reminders for important events. Your clients will feel more connected to you, and neither of you will ever miss another meeting.



Among the most appealing traits of a law firm to clients is transparency. After all, a client's livelihood could be in your hands. Make them feel that they are taken care of by instilling trust. Achieving transparency is easy with NextChapter's document and printing capabilities. You'll be able to send payment receipts and a copy of the petition home with your client so they have something physical to look over. Clients might also appreciate copies of other essential documents. No matter the case, NextChapter makes it easy to be open and share with your client in order to give them peace of mind.


Increasing client traffic isn't so difficult when reimagining your practice with the client in mind. NextChapter makes it even easier to differentiate your firm. To learn more about how our modern bankruptcy software can be your client value proposition, visit our website.