Many consumers are feeling the heat from their student loan balances with a national average of $28k owed per borrower. Most consumers aren’t aware of the program updates and unique opportunities to find relief.
NextChapter is excited to partner with Student Loan Toolbox to provide a free educational symposium for attorneys! Join us to learn how to best assist your clients and increase your profit per client in bankruptcy. Register for free using the links below!
Weds, March 1st at 11am ET: Student Loan Basics
Weds, March 1st at 12:30pm ET: NextChapter Workshop
Weds, March 1st at 1:30pm ET: IDR Account Adjustment
Thurs, March 2nd at 1pm ET: Navigating the Attestation Form
Thurs, March 2nd at 2pm ET: Fresh Start for Federal Student Loans
Want a free case with NextChapter? Make sure to register for at least one webinar along with pre-registering for our upcoming Bankruptcy Week! By pre-registering, you will be the first to know dates, speakers, and more! Register here!