Winter '17 Release Notes
The NextChapter team is thrilled to announce our most anticipated update yet: Winter ‘17 Release, featuring: Chapter 13 Plan Editor, Document Forms Library, Document Uploader, Year-to-Date Subtraction Calculator, Automatic Chapter 13 Time Tracker, Chapter 13 Receipt Printout, and many more!
  • releases
  • features
  • chapter 13
Published on Jan 10, 2017


The NextChapter team is thrilled to announce our most anticipated update yet, Winter ‘17 Release. This release is one for the books, including the following features: Chapter 13 Plan Editor, Document Forms Library, Document Uploader, Year-to-Date Subtraction Calculator, Automatic Chapter 13 Time Tracker, Chapter 13 Receipt Printout, and many more! In addition, we have enhanced our current features for better organization and increased customization. Take a look at the Release Notes to learn more about the upgrades.




Now let's highlight some of the major features and changes.


1.  Forms Library


In this release, we are introducing a new section to NextChapter on the left sidebar titled “Additional Documents” which includes: Client Document Storage, Local Forms Library, Firm Created Forms, and PACER Notices. Local forms for each district are available in the Local Forms Library and will be continually updated. Additionally, law firms can upload and maintain a library of their own forms called Firm Created Forms. Store all forms here to easily fill out and save them in the Client Document Storage to be uploaded with the packet when filing with the court. Annual plan members can have PACER notices saved directly into the case files. 




2.  Chapter 13 Plan Editor

We are thrilled to announce the release of our Chapter 13 Plan Editor! NextChapter’s Chapter 13 Plan Editor allows the user to pull data directly from NextChapter into 13 Plans. The forms retain each court’s required format and are editable for any amendments and changes that need to be made.  


We are rolling out Chapter 13 Plans based on user request. To help us better prioritize and get your division's 13 Plan on the list, complete this 3 question survey. The Chapter 13 Calculator and Plan Editor will be available for free to all users for 30 days after the release.




3.  Document Uploader


This feature allows users to include any supplemental documents they need in the final bankruptcy packet, and they can be rearranged within the packet so the order complies with each user’s court requirements. 




4.  New Ways to Add Income (including year-to-date subtraction) 


For this new release, NextChapter has updated the way in which you enter income for your client. There are now three options for adding income based on how your client is paid. This feature is one of our favorites as it will help streamline and simplify the income data entry section of bankruptcy petition preparation through the NextChapter application. 




5.  New Support Help Center


Even though our response time to user requests and questions is short, we wanted to help our self-starter users troubleshoot their own petitions and locate different parts of the packet on their own. This new Help Center includes guides, searchable troubleshooting tips and a line-by-line reference for our users. 



6. Annual Plan Only: Chapter 13 Receipt Printout & Time Tracker


For our Annual Subscribers, we've added a few new features to help keep track of your Chapter 13 Cases. The Chapter 13 Time Tracker will automatically track and record time in an easy-to-read timetable whenever you are working in that case. In addition, we've included a Chapter 13 Receipt Printout for your client to take home.




To learn about these new features, take a look at our new Help Center, schedule a demo with our Customer Success Team or send us an email. We are always happy to help! And if you have an idea for a feature that would make your filing easier, please send us your suggestions so we can keep improving NextChapter. 


If you're not a current user, SIGN UP to get started with NextChapter today.